Join Arif Khan and Khalid Bhunoo on Monday's show as we discuss: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) / Economic Equity and Eradicating Poverty

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders day Women in the UK have one of the highest reported rates of drinking in pregnancy, leading to 17% of all babies born showing some signs of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Join us as we discuss the mental and physical impacts of FSAD on children and the harmful impacts of alcohol.

The wealth of a nation should be used to ensure that every member of society has access to certain essential facilities.
Islam teaches that all of the natural resources are for the benefit of entire mankind and not for the selected few. Join us as we discuss ending debt- slavery at every level and establishing the sovereign right of every person to share in the wealth of their nation’s resources.

Guests Include:

June O’Sullivan (CEO of Lyfeonline)

Ahmed Danyal Arif (Economist)

Produced by: Sonya Majoka, Benasir Rafi and Maliha Shahzad