Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Safeer Zartasht & Qayyum Rashid forTuesday's show where we will be discussing:

Black Lives Matter – Changing Mindsets
The #BlackLivesMatter protests in the USA have emerged not because of any one sole incident, but a cumulation of oppression and victimisation of African Americans for over 500 years.

Join us LIVE from 4-6pm as we discuss how Islam stands to break down any ideas of race superiority

Guests include:

Dr. Basiyr D. Rodney: (President PanAfrican Ahmadiyya Muslim Association USA)

Produced by: Nudrat Qasim, Iffat Mirza, Prevish Huma, Nyla Abid, Maliha Shahzad and Faiza Mirza