Join Sammar Ahmadand Khalid Bhunoo as we discuss ‘Organ donation week’ and 'International Day of Charity'

Organ donation week

Organ donation is completely allowed in Islam as long as a life is not taken deliberately to give life to another. Join us this #OrganDonationWeek as we discuss the importance of #organdonation as well as the need to speak to family members about this choice.

International Day of Charity

‘Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and spend in the way of Allah out of that to which He has made you heirs. And those of you who believe and spend willhave a great reward’ – Holy Quran (57:8)
Giving in the way of charity, whether that be with wealth or time is the duty of a Muslim. Join us this International Day of Charity as we speak to charitable organisations and find out more about their work as well as discussing how Ahmadiyya Muslim Community volunteers have been working tirelessly around the world to serve humanity.

Guests Include:

Dr Omer Aziz(Paediatric Clinical Lead for Organ Donation)

Anna-Louise Bates(Founder of organ donation support charity Believe)

Romaisa Rehman(Medical student in Dow Medical College Karachi)

Fay Maxted(CEO of The Survivors Trust)

Mr Ben Russell(Director of Communications Charities Aid Foundation (CAD))

Produced by: Faiza Mirza and Nureen Bajwa