Join Raheel Ahmad as we discuss Recognise the Creator and Foster Global Unity

Recognise the Creator

‘Only by recognizing its Creator, can mankind hope to establish true justice and usher in an era of individual, communal, and global peace’ - His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad.
Join us as we discuss how arrogance and greed is a root cause of injustice and only by remembering our Creator, to whom we must all return to one day, that we will humble ourselves enough to achieve peace.

Foster Global Unity

A fundamental and basic teaching of Islam is that a true Muslim is a person from whose tongue and hand all other peaceful people are safe. Spreading injustice and hatred is against the teachings of Islam which promotes global unity, peace and harmony.
Join us as we discuss the need for justice if we are to achieve global unity and world peace.

Guests Include:

Steve Peers: (Professor of EU, Human Rights and World Trade Law)

Annum Islam:( Lawyer)

Produced by: Iffat Mirza and Maliha Shahzad