Join Hanif Khan and Sammar Sheikh for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Coronavirus/Reading

Coronavirus- Hope versus Fear

In these times of uncertainty, fear of #coronavirus seems to be driving government policy and human behaviour. How can we come through this difficult time? Is there a place for hope? And what should we be hoping for - the world to return to what it was before? or something better?
Join us LIVE from 4pm as we explore the complex relationship between hope and fear in our psyche.

Reading- Source of knowledge

In this difficult time when most of us are at home and we have a lot of spare time, why not start reading? Join us LIVE from 5pm as we look at how reading is tremendously good for us as it improves our memory, cognitive function and much more!

Guests includes:

Mats Kolbjornsen ( Therapist from Anxiety UK )

Donald Robertson ( Author of six books on philosophy and psychotherapy)

Keith Cowley ( Lecturer, University of East London, positive psychologist)

Oli Ryan ( Manager, Resource creator and a former primary teacher working at PlanBee )

Sarah Pickstone ( Marketing manager at Coram Beanstalk, a national reading charity)

Dom Conlon (Poet and Author)

Produced by: Nabeela Shah, Hadiyatul Haseeb and Zile Huma Ahmad