Lori Poland is the CEO of the National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect. She shares openly and genuinely about the effects of trauma, the journey of healing, and the impact that relationships have on our growth by being open about her own traumatic experience of being abducted, abused and left for dead in the pit of an outhouse toilet at the age of 3. 

  Lori’s healing experience has led her, along with her treating doctor from her kidnapping, to co-found The National Foundation To End Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN). Through her work at EndCAN, Lori continues the conversation with audiences big and small helping people to talk more openly about child abuse and neglect, moving it from its current view of being solely a social and legal issue to also being seen as a public health, mental health and physical health problem that needs attention, community, a voice, and significant change in order to end abuse and neglect.  Read the show notes here:   https://www.voiceofinfluence.net/273 Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:  www.voiceofinfluence.net/deepimpact