Alysia Silberg, author, speaker, and AI Investor, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about her latest book, Unemployable – How I Hired Myself.

Here is what they talked about: 

Alysia's journey from venture capital to writing "Unemployable – How I Hired Myself"The core message of "Unemployable" and what inspired Alysia to write itHow does Alysia's venture capital experience influence her perspectives in "Unemployable""Train the Trainer" program and its significance in today's business landscapeHow does "Unemployable" offer actionable strategies to businesses and individuals, especially in the AI domainWhat feedback and success stories have you seen from individuals and businesses engaged with your programs and products?What's your view on the immediate and long-term outlook for AI in businesses and its impact on the workforce?How does your eBook workbook complement the "Unemployable" philosophy?Any lessons learned from your journey and the impact of "Unemployable" on your life?How can businesses and individuals get involved with your programs, and what can they expect in transformation?Wrap up: Encouraging businesses and individuals to explore the offerings stemming from "Unemployable" to harness the power of AI and entrepreneurship.