Isabelle Freidheim, founder and Chair of The Board of Athena Technology Acquisition Corp. (SPAC), venture capitalist and 2x FinTech founder, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about why she founded one of the first women-led SPAC and about SPACs in general.

Here is what they covered:

Isabelle's exceptional back story
You are Chair of Athena Technology Acquisition Corp. SPAC - how did it come about?
SPAC has become the buzzword of the year, it seems. Let’s level set – why should founders consider using a SPAC when thinking about going public?
What’s your investment philosophy and unique advantage of Athena?
When looking for targets for the SPAC, what are the key criteria you would be looking for?
Athena is one of the first all-women SPACs with an all-women board, all-women advisory group and investors. What’s the rationale?
Key terms of Athena's SPAC
A favorite non-fiction book: Mindset by Carol Dweck

Best way to reach out
See also the WSJ article on Athena: Concentrated Solar Power Firm Heliogen to Go Public in $2 Billion SPAC Merger

This episode, just like all others, does not constitute investment advice, it's meant to be educational