Guy Kashtan, CEO and co-founder of Rewire, headquartered in Israel, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about innovative ways his company uses to provide financial services to migrants, including refugees all across the EU, UK and Israel.

Here is what they talked about:

Guy's background, what led him to co-found RewireRewire’s mission to provide transparent and effortless financial services to migrantsWhat type of migrants do you have in mind? Which countries? What about refugees?Rewire's financial services for migrants: basic bank account even without an address, ability to send money home cheaply and easily and moreRewire recently secured USD 25 million from Migdal Insurance to add insurance products to their portfolio - at the host country and for family back at homeSize of the opportunity Guy and his team are tacklingTechnology angle behind their solutionBusiness modelSize of the team and where in the world are Rewire's employees and clients basedGuy's favorite business book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers (again on this podcast!)The best way to reach out