David Yakobovitch spoke to Kevin Bennett, CEO of MotoRefi, about auto FinTech, its potential and how MotoRefi helps consumers save money on their car loans.

Here is what they covered:

What MotoRefi is and does

Saves consumers $100/month Instant refi on their auto loansOrigin story 

Auto finance as an underlooked area of fintech 

Low awareness among consumersVirtually no one was trying to solve this problem HUGE market - $1.3 trillion industry in US aloneSelf-service API Ecosystem

 FinTech for the loans/finance, in particular, is a movement 

MortgagesStudents loans / personal loansNow auto loans too Sofi, Even Financial, and Trellis

Growth thus far & recent news

Series A1 fundraise 2020 - 6x’d revenue, tripled headcountNew office in DC, added new senior hires

Final thought

“Most people’s cars aren’t doing them any favors when it comes to their finances, we’re on a mission to change this.” - MotoRefi CEO Kevin Bennett on overlooked auto FinTech