In this episode, Teri welcomes Monica Chaudhari, the Founder/CEO of AdirA, a Health Action Platform which helps women be the Chief Wellness Officers (CWOs) of their families and implement good health and wellness decisions for themselves and their entire families. 

Monica became a start-up entrepreneur after age 50, building AdirA for women, by women. Prior to starting AdirA, she worked all over the world for a reputed pharmaceutical company. Her vision for AdirA is to serve CWOs with the utmost independence and integrity while running a profitable business. Monica herself is a CWO to her mother, her spouse, and two grown sons. 

Key points from Monica!

Using personalized decision support tools to help women make and act on health and wellness decisions, and incorporating voice technology into that.

The Concept Behind AdirA

AdirA means a strong, noble, and powerful woman.Monica named the company AdirA because they focus on the Chief Wellness Officer of the family, and that is 80% of women who are 35 to 64 years old. These women are usually the key decision makers for health and wellness related matters for about 5 to 7 people in their family.Statistics from major health information websites indicate that more than 75% of all the health-related information that is researched on the web is done by women, for themselves and their families.There is a lot of good health information on the web, but due to its large volumes, it becomes overwhelming. The women end up delaying a decision or not making it at all because of that. They also end up in a doctor’s office unprepared for the necessary conversation.The whole researching process is a dissatisfying and negative experience, and that’s where AdirA comes in.AdirA helps women in accessing the necessary information and concierges them to the products and services that are relevant to the decision or recommendation that’s right for them and their families. AdirA also provides them with two talking points (based on their decision process and recommendation) on what to say when they go to see a doctor.AdirA doesn’t own the products and services that they concierge the women to.

How AdirA Works and The Voice Technology Element

As they were building out the platform, they decided to partner with Orbita instead of investing a lot of money and time into building their own IT infrastructure.They built their own proprietary interface around Orbita’s chat and voice activated technology.They develop consumer experiences based on the needs of the clients and sponsors that they have.They target all their communication towards women and the women are engaged by a chatbot on the AdirA website.The experiences are under 3 minutes because women are busy, and they want fast, efficient, and personalized services.In less than 3 minutes, the women are assisted in getting through a series of 12 to 14 questions. At the end of the experience, the women are given 2 to 4 recommendations.The women are also concierged to 3 or 4 relevant products and services to implement their decision.AdirA never plugs any sponsor ads or sponsor connects into the concierging. They have a sponsor corner on the website where women can choose to interact with the sponsors on their own volition.They currently have a contraception decision tree. When a woman uses the tree, they know exactly which medical professional built the tree.She also gets to ask her medical question related to contraception and she gets a recommendation on where to get information on that. She is connected to telemedicine and a doctor finder, and then given two talking points based on the answers that she gave in the decision tree that are most relevant to he conversation with a doctor.They are also concierged to all the relevant products and services.The contraception decision tree is ratified by Healthy Women, a non-profit for women’s health education.The whole experience makes the process of seeking contraception information much easier and efficient for women.

Links and Resources in this Episode

The Comprehensive Flash Briefing Formula CourseAdirA Website

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