Breaking barriers with quantum physics |

Guys, I think that this is kinda like a user manual for quantum/metaphysics and not intended to explain the intricacies of it all. it's like learning to drive a car, you know the controls but you probably don't know how it all works under the hood -nor do you need to! Just take what good you can from it and move on....that would be an example of staying in the higher vibration. good luck!

By simply utilizing quantum physics and the laws of energetics.
Many people have dreams and desires that they let go dormant simply because they don't know how to make it their reality. Understanding the tools and laws that are currently available to them is the one key they are missing

1. What u put out u get back
2. Feel love or above
3. Feel having what you desire
4. Be around positive people
5. Never give up, stay focused

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