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This week on the VO School Podcast we are discussing studio connectivity. While this may not be the sexiest subject, it is an aspect of voiceover that needs to be understood in order to compete as a voice actor in 2018 and beyond.

What is ‘studio connectivity’? This is the technology that allows you to connect your home studio (however modest) to the world. This enables you to be directed live in much the same way as a talent visiting a recording studio, but from the comfort of your own home!

This can be a complicated subject and is often misunderstood, so allow us to strip everything back to the basics as we discuss the history of this technology, where we are today and where we think this tech is going in the next five to ten years.

If acronyms such as ISDN, IPDTL, SPID, SIP, VOIP or PRI hold little meaning for you, this episode is for you!

Joining us this week are Kevin Leach, founding director of In:Quality, makers of the popular ipDTL studio connection service. Kevin is also an engineer with decades of experience in radio for the BBC. Tim Friedlander is a voice talent and owner of SoundboxLA a recording studio in Los Angeles that specializes in recording voice talent.