3 Ways to Defeat Insecurity // Vladimir Savchuk

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Podcast Notes:

According to the Counseling and Mental Health Center at The University of Texas at Austin, low self-esteem often presents in one of three patterns:
1. Imposter Syndrome: A person uses accomplishments or false confidence to mask their insecurities. They fear failure will reveal their true, flawed self. The person may use perfectionism or procrastination to deal with this anxiety.
2. Rebellion: A person pretends they don't care what others think of them. Their feelings of inferiority may manifest as anger or blame. They may act out by defying authority or breaking laws. 
3. Victimhood: A person believes they are helpless in the face of challenges. They may use self-pity to avoid changing their situation.  They often rely on others to save or guide them.

Genesis 2:15-17

Insecurity is idolatry (Jeremiah 2:13)
Insecurity leads to insanity. 

Insecurity is into titles, identity is into towels.
Insecurity is into competing, identity is complete
Insecurity focuses on weight, identity focuses on worth
Insecurity looks in the bathroom mirror, identity looks in the mirror in the word
Insecurity is jealous, identity is joyful
Insecurity is focused on issues, identity is focused on intimacy
Insecurity is into self-pity, identity is into self-care
Insecurity live out labels, identity live out of love
Insecurity hides from God, identity hides in God
Insecurity feels abandoned, identity walks as adopted
Insecurity leads to idolatry, identity leads to inheritance

1. When you have a reason to feel insecure, you have a choice not to feed on insecurity. It’s not the tree that made him feel shame, eating from it did that.

Focusing - Feeding - Feeling.

2. When you don’t eat from the tree of life, you end up wearing fig leaves. 

Figleaves can’t fix insecurity, feeding on the fruits can.

Intimacy hurts insecurity. When you are aware of God, you lose attention to self. When you’re aware of self you lost the attention of God.

Your body came out of the dirt. You came out of God.

3. When you can’t remove the tree of knowledge, you must resist it. 

A forbidden tree has a voice.

Voice uses your issue to question your identity
Voice uses your situation to doubt your revelation
Voice uses your condition to overthrow your position
Voice seeks to question in the dark what God revealed in the light

Jesus resisted it the voice, He did not remove the vice.

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