July's podcast also features all the latest news and updates from Viva!, including the launch of our gripping documentary , and a catch up with Jerome Flynn — Viva! patron and presenter of HOGWOOD. FIND OUT MORE - It's finally here! The launch of HOGWOOD: a modern horror story on , and . Plus wise words from Jerome Flynn, presenter and Viva! patron. - Exclusive interview with Seth Tibbott, founder of the plant-based protein company, . - July cookery inspiration comes from ’s Maryanne Hall, with summertime advice for vegans at socially-distanced BBQs. - Lex Rigby, Viva! campaigns manager, interviews an exclusive interview with Rich Hardy, veteran undercover investigator, on the launch of his new book and reflections on his life as an undercover investigator. - Lex also gives behind the scenes look at Viva!'s own shocking of two pig farms supplying Morrisons. -  Gavin Chappell-Bates hosts his regular dedicated music feature. This month he interviews (aka Queen V), vegan singer-songwriter. ABOUT OUR SHOW You can hear this show via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and on lots of other apps and websites. Spread the word! Don't forget to share us on Facebook and Twitter! Get the latest episode every month, straight to your mobile device or computer. It's automatic and completely free.  Copyright owned by Viva! Bristol 2020. Not for re-use without our written agreement. All featured music and content used by permission. Produced by Helen Wilson for Viva!.