[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nathalie discusses an email from someone who has tried the ginger root juice experiment, and from someone else who has done uvb laser treatments. Show Notes: Ginger Root Experiment to repigment vitiligo: Excerpt from email- I have been using fresh ginger for 15 weeks, and I am perfectly honest when I tell anyone who will listen: THIS WORKS.  IT WORKS, I PROMISE.  The catch?  You've got to be religious about it.  For the first 8 weeks there was absolutely no difference.  Kept doing it, twice a day.  After about 12 weeks I noticed a tiny patch in the very middle of one of the hypo pigmented patches that was normal colored, tan like the rest of me.  The tan patch has slowly gotten bigger, and other tan patches have popped up as well.  It seems to be pretty random, but it's getting better every day.  The white patches are almost gone.  I wish everyone else the same success that I've enjoyed, just remember that you need to do it EVERY day (it has a cumulative effect), and for a long time.  At almost 4 months it still isn't completely back to normal, but it's close. NOTE: I did not juice.  I cut slices off of fresh ginger and passed them over my hypo pigmented patches.  I can't see why it wouldn't work to juice, and it may work better!  Just thought I'd be clear about what I did to get my results Vitiligo stories: Share your story about vitiligo. You'll feel good to get your feelings off your chest and onto paper (so to speak) and more importantly, you'll help someone else with vitiligo feel like they're not alone! http://vitiligocover.com/read-the-stories/ Do you have a story to share about living with vitiligo? Send it to me and I will post it here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]