Many women experience debilitation pelvic pain and painful periods and are made to believe that this is just a "normal" part of being female. Some of these women may be suffering from a condition called Endometriosis, which can take years to get diagnosed. Endometriosis affects approximately 7-10% of women and can cause significant pain and dysfunction.

In this podcast Dr. Jesin shares insights from a naturopathic perspective.

Most important points:

Factors that impact progression of Endometriosis include hormone imbalance, sensitivities to certain foods and toxicity. for the definitive guide on chemical toxicity on and in our food.

Affects women of all ages and can start early in reproductive years.

Inflammation can negatively impact menstrual cycle so Dr. Jesin suggests an anti-inflammatory diet.

Naturopathic Medicine seeks to find the cause, not just to mask a symptom. So determining the cause of pain and dysfunction is imperative.