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On today’s episode of Vital Metabolic, hosts James Wheeler and John Parker break down different elimination diets, such as the Carnivore Diet, Whole30, and Paleo AIP. Elimination diets get a bad wrap in the tabloids, but the fact is that some foods can have negative effects on our bodies. At the end of the day, it’s up to us to find out which diet works best for our body! 


Episode Highlights: 

Most people do not realize the importance of elimination when it comes to dieting and nutrition. 1:18 Food sensitivity tests would indicate that everyone should try some sort of elimination diet. 2:27 Gluten, corn, soy, and dairy are the most common inflammatory foods that elimination diets tend to target. 3:07 Not everyone needs to go have tests done; sometimes, people just need to clean up their lifestyle. 4:25 James has mostly stuck to a paleolithic diet, but before this, as a trainer and business owner, he was constantly feeling drained. 5:05 People with active lifestyles make the mistake of thinking that they can eat foods that are high on the glycemic index. 6:20 Breaking down a carnivorous diet and the differences that James saw in his mental and physical health. 7:18 John consumes a mostly carnivore-ish diet to battle his ongoing IBS. 8:50 Vegans have reported being hungry all the time, partly due to the lack of protein and fat in their diet. 10:00 Energy levels can be much more sustained with a high-protein high-fat diet as compared to a glucose-based diet. 10:55 Exogenous glucose involves consuming foods that are high on the glycemic index and are entering your body as glucose already. 11:40 Carnivore diets have been shown to battle degenerative conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. 14:10 It’s important to test out what foods work for you after going through an elimination diet. 15:15 James followed the vertical diet for 60 days and noticed that he became dose-dependent on carbohydrates after he was done. 16:10 The world needs to get over the myth that carbohydrates are bad, but they can be overconsumed. 18:12 Diet cheating is a sign of mental issues and can be categorized as a form of addiction. 20:10 Hara Hachi Bu involves eating until you are 80% full and could be the reason that the rest of the world has lower obesity rates than western countries. 22:00 It’s as simple as keeping these addicting foods out of your house; eliminate the temptation. 23:55 Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) can have incredible physical benefits but may not be sustainable for every. 25:50 When you can stop assigning so much pleasure to food, you will be able to see food as medicine. 28:12 You can practice an elimination diet while still loving to eat food. 32:00 Whole30 works towards eliminating all those inflammatory foods that your body doesn’t actually need. 32:50 Lectins in plant food obstruct the body’s ability to absorb minerals from the food. 35:53 Gastrointestinal distress can be a result at the beginning of an elimination diet because of your body’s over-dependence on fiber. 36:48 As someone who suffers from IBS-D, John finds that a lower-fiber diet makes him feel the best. 39:12 It’s up to each of us to listen to our bodies and decide which diet works best for us. 41:48 Dieting is a process of rehabilitation and it will be a continuous learning experience for the rest of your life. 43:04 Decide how much you need and do your best to not take more than that. 46:00


3 Key Points:

People use substances such as caffeine from espresso and coffee as a crutch to battle their energy dips that are caused by high-glucose diets. Carbohydrates are not bad, especially if you live an active lifestyle, but just like anything, overconsumption can become poisonous. It’s important to stay flexible with nutrition while you experiment on which diets work best for you. Don’t be afraid to change your stance as you continue to learn.


Tweetable Quotes: 

“When I was on this elimination diet..I was able to see true energy and a lot of stability.” - James Wheeler “When you are doing an elimination diet, it is not necessarily about weight loss all the time. That is a side effect of eating well.” - James Wheeler When you cheat, you cheat yourself. You really do need to stay disciplined on this stuff. If you don’t think you can, it’s likely a mental issue.” - John Parker “It’s a very simple rule, guys. If it’s in the house, either you’re going to eat it or someone else is going to eat it.” - James Wheeler “I don’t get my kicks with food. I’m not a drug addict with food.” - John Parker “We have to remember the gut microbiome changes all the time.” - John Parker


Resources Mentioned: 

James: Facebook Instagram Twitter John: Facebook Instagram Twitter Email: [email protected] Jordan Peterson Mikhaila Peterson Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Book: The Paleo Solution Redmond Real Salt Whole30

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