I can dream. I do not need permission to dream. I can imagine anything I want. It is my consciousness and my life. I can be creative. I can create a new world. I can be happy.
I can be whomever I want to be.

As a child, one has amazing dreams. They will travel to the moon. They will be a great inventor. They will create peace throughout the world. Until someone says, “That is impossible.
That will never happen.” And after hearing that so many times, for some, they start to believe those words, even though their heart, their soul, their spirit tells them otherwise.

Pleading not to give in.

“Don’t hold onto those words.”

But they are done with the ridiculous notions of hope, change, and dreams.

“They don’t exist.”

The past cannot be changed. But it has changed, since the beginning of time.
Traveling the world, exploring space, transforming barriers, creating new understandings and new ideas. What if I can dream? And what if those dreams did make change?
And what if that change created hope for someone else?

I can dream….and I will.


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