Hello, this is Zach D Roberts here with the Visu.News podcast. This week I'm chatting with Sean Kitchen of PASpotlight.org (Pennsylvania Spotlight.) Sean is a writer based in Pennsylvania's capital, Harrisburg - he has previously contributed to Raging ChickenPress (a favorite publication of mine) and is the go-to person to learn about all the Big Lie shenanigans going on in the Keystone State. 

In this episode, we focus on one politician - Republican State Senator Doug Mastriano. Since we recorded this episode it has been confirmed that Senator Mastriano was at least at the steps of the US Capitol on January 6th. 

To quote from the PASpotlight article: Screenshots of Senator Mastriano and his wife breaching a police barricade and walking on the North West Lawn of the Capitol grounds emerged over the weekend. PA Spotlight has previously uncovered that Senator Mastriano witnessed the first breaches of the Capitol in a little-known right-wing interview just days after January 6th. This sparked further interest by the #SeditionHunters to pinpoint his exact location. Parler footage from Propublica’s database that is time-stamped at 1:59 PM shows Senator Mastriano and his wife walking towards the main set of stairs that insurrectionists breached at 2:06 PM.

While I've been back in Georgia again covering the continued voter suppression happening there with SB202 - Pennsylvania is quickly becoming the state to watch for the quote unquote voter integrity happenings. Let's get into it.

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