2016 was a weird, surreal, and at times beautiful year. It side swiped us with the loss of Demigods who couldn’t escape Death’s undefeated grip. Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen – they’ll never share the same air as you again – and that’s a damn shame. And now, history will remember 2016 for the the election – whose […]

Above is a collage of all 21 albums artwork. (Artwork – D.Hixon)

2016 was a weird, surreal, and at times beautiful year. It side swiped us with the loss of Demigods who couldn’t escape Death’s undefeated grip. Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen – they’ll never share the same air as you again – and that’s a damn shame.

And now, history will remember 2016 for the the election – whose aftershocks have me cow eyed and slow to speak in the weeks since that fateful Tuesday. I’m scared, sad, and sullen with what it means – but 2016 was more than one day in November, and the music that was released leading up to the results hinted at where we are now. Good art is often ahead of the curve.

Politics and uncertain fate aside – below are my 21 favorite albums of 2016. Aside from the opening sequence, the entire set was done  live in the Mojo – and per every mix I put out – I hope you discover something new you love.

As for 2017….the weird and surreal will morph into something different, and the music will as well, and that I can’t wait for. Keep your head up Unexcused Brethren – Visions pertain to the future, and our actions today must make that bright despite the dark in our current eyes.

Per always, thank you for the support – Peace & Love. ~Mint Pillow

Samiyam – Animals Have Feelings

“paddle boat”

Stones Throw Records

Terry Malts – Lost At The Party

“When The Nighttime Comes”

Slumberland Records

Whitney – Light Upon The Lake

“No Woman”

Secretly Canadian

Tony Molina – Confront The Truth

“See Me Fall”

Slumberland Records

Woods – City Sun Eater In The River Of Light

“Sun City Creeps”

Woodsist Records

White Night – Weird Night

“Dr. Bellows”

Burger Records

Wilco – Schmilco

“Normal American Kids”


The Avalanches – Wildflower

“If I Was A Folkstar”

XL Recordings

Aphex Twin – Cheetah EP


Warp Records

A Tribe Called Quest – We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service



Angel Olsen – My Woman

“Shut Up Kiss Me”

Secretly Canadian

Oh Boland – Spilt Milk


Volar Records

Real Numbers – Wordless Wonder

“This Happy Sadness”

Slumberland Records

Nice As Fuck – Nice As Fuck



Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool

“Decks Dark”


Mozes And The Firstborn – Great Pile Of Nothing

“Till The Feeling’s Gone”

Burger Records

Cool Ghouls – Animal Races

“Time Capsule”

Empty Cellar Records

Morgan Delt – Phase Zero

“I Don’t Wanna See What’s Happening Outside”

Sub-Pop Records

Car Seat Headrest – Teens Of Denial

“(Joe Gets Kicked Out of School for Using) Drugs With Friends (But Says This Isn’t a Problem)”

Matador Records

Gap Dream – This Is Gap Dream

“Modern Rhythms”

Burger Records

Mndsgn – Body Wash

“Cosmic Perspective”

Stones Throw Records