World in Review 2018 Prophecy, Gospel News, Advocacy Persecuted Church

Approaching the apocalypse at the speed of light, this is Warn Radio. 2018 was a year of continual persecution of Christians, from the Fulani who attack Christians in Nigeria, to the ongoing Pakistani persecution of Christians, the imprisonment of American Pastor Brunson by Turkey, the death sentence of a case gone viral for Asia Bibi, and many others. There was no let up, but in spite of this there were many groups who pitched in to advocate, help spread the word, get supplies and aid to the areas afflicted, and more.

Luke tells us of the end of days, "they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you" and further "it shall turn to you for a testimony"! This week Prophecy Christian News and World events focuses again on Christian persecution, Christian Genocide, and Religious freedom. Around the world trouble spots and danger are the daily issues. We also see the move of the Lord throughout the world where healings and dramatic conversions take place. The warning though is clear. For many nations who have embraced multi-culturalism and globalist ideals, we are warned that within one generation all Religious freedom could be gone.