World Gospel Advocacy, Stalinism 101, Abortion issues, One world order, Globalist Pope, Taliban teaching in UK, Nigerian persecution, Asia Bibi final, Turkey persecutes, China slams Christianity, Algerian Christian Persecution, Gone Nuts, Prophecy News, and more From Warn Radio


World Gospel Advocacy -   What happens when the world will not listen? If nation states, and peoples ignore rights, freedoms, and push ahead with globalist and socialist agendas then the conflict will ensue. We find from China to Nigeria to Turkey and then to Algeria this week human agendas like Islamic regimes, communism, and liberal leftists in America all have an idea this world is theirs and to the rock pile for anyone else who disagrees. This week we take on the pertinate points and advocate.    


World Gospel Advocacy -This week liberal leftists push Stalinism 101 with threats against Christianity. In addition, the globalist Pope made headlines with his ideas likened to the One world order. Further Taliban teaching in UK schools, Christian persecution this week in Nigeria, Turkey, China, and Algeria. In addition final words concerning Asia Bibi, a dude gone nuts, and more from Warn Radio advocacy.