Who has #Believed #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt164 on Battle Lines

Who has Believed brings us to the #sufferingMessiah. This encompasses Isaiah 52 at the end of the chapter to the entire 53rd chapter of #Isaiah. As Barnes says of this "it is of great importance to have just views of the design of this portion of Isaiah, it is proper in this place to give an analysis of this part of the #prophecy." Many of the #scriptures have been long held in the #church and forms the #prophetic and #biblical coverage of the #Messiah. Such verses were quoted by the #Apostles in the context of the Messiah #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. Further Keil and Delitzsch both say of this when discussing the beginning of the prophecy in Isaiah 53 that "We must not overlook the fact that this golden “passional” is also one of the greatest prophecies of the future conversion of the nation, which has rejected the #servantofGod, and allowed the Gentiles to be the first to recognize him." Who has the #gentiles recognized? The #ArmoftheLord, none other than #YeshuaHaMassiach, Jesus Christ!| #Hehasredeemed#, #ThyWatchmen, #Zion, #KingdomofGod


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