Trials amidst Judgment - Authority Over the Nations Pt9 on Sound the Shofar | | WIBR/WARN Radio

Trials amidst Judgment begins this week in Jeremiah chapter fifteen. Here the Lord tells Jeremiah that even if Moses and Samuel stood before me yet my mind could not be towrd this people: cast them out of my sight!  The truths of judgment are usually items that many never discuss. In this series we look at the aspects of this along with the truth of the fruits. The main fruit is repentance and a reuniting with your God.

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Trials amidst Judgment brings us into focus with life itself. Fiery trials, Peter says will try you but don't think that something strange has happened to you. In fact, trials, fiery trials, and judgment all test and produce repentance and the seeking of God. Of course, this is the positive result of it. Paul said no chastening is going to feel good, my paraphrase. Neither will judgment, just read lamentations. One thing is sure, one day all nations and people will face this great God and His Son Jesus Christ on that great day of judgment.

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