Promises, Phrases, Perpetuity takes us into the #realmofChrist further in phrases that as believers we must follow, then there is the warning. From there we will discuss warnings, truths, and other words that you must not misunderstand or interpret wrongly. Nevertheless, in today's woke society we have much too much division, confusion, and hatred towards #biblical things like #Christianity. However, it is very true that in all things man may think he is in control, but the #Lord is the #judge #overallnations. The nations of men may believe they can do and say anything, but it is as Matthew chapter four and verse four says as a warning to people "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by #breadalone, but by #everyword that proceeded out of the #mouthofGod."  Matter of fact, many will be weeping and wailing when they hear these phrases that #JesusChrist spoke, knowing that they never paid attention to these warnings.  #Promises  #Phrases  #Perpetuity




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