Hope and Faith is possible today because our #Savior, Jesus, Yeshua, the Christ came from glory and was born in the flesh, yet he was all God and all man. He was the #atoningsacrifice for #oursins, for he was and is the #PassoverLamb that shed His blood for all humanity. Without the shedding of His blood, the perfect atonement sacrifice could not have been made. Thus our sinful state is finished because of the #atonement and the #sheddingoftheblood of #ChristJesus and our #faithinHim. Our Separation from God is finished. For Christ Jesus is that bridge which brought us into the #Fathersglory to know him. The power of Darkness over us is finished as well. In addition the power of #Death and the #Grave hold nothing over #Believer's in Jesus Christ. In the battle for Truth, Life, and Redemption we as Christian followers of our #Lord #Jesus #Christ can fight the enemy and win. #Darkness holds no power over us because of the #redemption through the #blood of #JesusChrist, #Yeshua. #HopeandFaith


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