The Righteous Defender, the Lord who sent of his Son Jesus Christ; Yeshua Ha Massiach to this earth and he is coming back. It is unto the Believer, To the people, from the Father through the Son that this message is sent. “Unto the people a Messiah was sent, the one who is the Son of David and with him an Eternal covenant, he is the arm of the Lord; Yeshua Ha Massiach; Jesus Christ! If I be lifted up, I shall draw all men unto me -Jesus Christ.


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Righteous Defender is upfront in this study. We find that the word #Righteous is found 238 times in 225 verses in #scripture. There can be no doubt that to be righteous is very important in scripture which is demanded by a #RighteousGod. Therefore, God who is #exaltedhigh above all things has given to His Son #Jesus, #Yeshua the #Christ the rule and reign of all things to put down all #enemiesofGod and of righteousness.  The #KingdomofGod, #TrueBelievers, are led by the Perfect #ExaltedHighOne who is a #RighteousDefender.  He is also full of #mercy, #compassion, and #love for all His creation.


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