Righteous Branch Reign - In one of the most prophetic arenas of the coming Kingdom of Yeshua, Jesus Christ we find the section in Isaiah chapter 11. It is an overview of the coming Righteous Branch Reign in his established Kingdom. It also is connected to Judah and it's troubles.


Righteous Branch Reign - Amidst the warnings of Judgment, Isaiah places the mercy and hope of all peoples. It is a message not just to Judah and Israel, but to the world. Fulfilling Abrahamic prophecy that in Him all the world would be blessed.


Righteous Branch - The established Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua haMassiach, the Branch shall reign in Righteousness. It is here after the judgments on Judah we find prophecies that all Jew and Gentile should rejoice in. The one knowing God grafted in the Gentiles. The other knowing that the Branch shall be known by Israel. Paul the Apostle to the gentiles gives an indepth discussion of this in Romans 11. Yet the chapters Isaiah 11-12 gives us an exhilitrating look at the rule of the Branch, his kingdom, and the millenium.


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com