Refiners Fire Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt7 on Battle Lines on Battle Lines| | WIBR/WARN

Isaiah's Vision and Commission -Here we find repentance and commission for the Prophet to go and deliver the message for the Lord God. This is a personal and yet very revealing experience. One of which, very few people have ever had as this Prophet did.


Prophets Vision and Commission - Isaiah is one of the most prophetic and metaphoric works in scripture today. Although, along time ago, we find out that in the nations of men and women; the evil that pulls us from the Lord God has not changed. While the covenant in Isaiah day was from the Sinai covenant and the Abrahamic covenant; there are many things that speak to us. We are in the days of the new covenant and the Spiritual Israel. A calling to Israel of old and a message to the gentiles to come to him; we can find all of it in this book. Behind it is Mercy, Salvation, and the Day of the Lord.


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