Rebellious People brings us to the end of chapter 64 and onto the first portion of #Isaiah sixty-five. This week we close out the former chapter, although it is relevant to this week's study. Isaiah writes "I am sought of them that asked not for me and I am found of them that sought me not- Isaiah Sixty-five and verse one. The Jews did not seek God, instead they turned to #idols and #doctrinesofdevils. Meanwhile, the Gentiles who had worshipped idols and never sought for the #true and #livingGod, had found him. Yet during this struggle, #God would bring out a remnant so that the #Jews would not be left desolate. Paul in Romans writes in chapter nine, verses thirty to thirty-three that "Israel which followed after the #lawofrighteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness." Thus, here Isaiah looks at this struggle of Israel and the future that has God bringing a #remnant of #Israel to himself. Yet, a reminder the many #Gentiles are also stubborn and reject the #LordGod and #HisSon #Yeshua, #JesusChrist.




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