Prophetic Storm meets the truth of No Other Gospel as the world sees a continual Rise of Islam. But along the way, we also find many Muslims coming to Christ as well as others. But the toil on humanity from radical Islam's war on the world is devastating. With the pull out by Biden in such a sloppy and dangerous way it is not hard to figure why America is losing in this war. Now with untold amounts of weapons from America's war machine in Afghanistan the jihad now has new steam to promote their hate.  

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Prophetic Storm brings us this week to the warnings of the #Lord. Seems today we have more storms and troubles than ever. No doubt that the #nations of men are shaken. In #America this summer fires and the Biden agenda would seem enough to shake this nation and world. Yet the warnings of #naturaldisasters are accompanied by the phrase "but before all these" meaning all those #endtimesigns. #Earthquakes in many places, #famines, #pestilences, #fearfulSights, and #GreatSigns associated with the heavens. #Prophecy and change go hand in hand to let the nations of men they are not in control. But the eye of the Lord is always on those who love him and call upon his name even in this #PropheticStorm. Those who also honor his #Word and the #GospelofChrist.

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