Persecuted Faith, China War, Night Cometh, Euthanasia, Jerusalem Peace,  @WarnRadio

Persecuted Faith rises to the challenge this week as we discuss the threats and ongoing troubles in the world. Here topping the list are the Persecuted Faith of believers. As well, we look at the overall aspects of the China War against not only Christianity, but other faiths. The time of the night reveals that the Night cometh and is indeed here; but it will increase as we move forward in these prophetic times. Then a subject we have discussed and warned about long ago is back, this is in reference to Euthanasia. Then the Jerusalem Peace and the upheaval in Israel. Here we see that many believers and supporters of Israel do Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Listen to this episode and pass it along to those who may be interested.


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#Persecuted #Faith was one of the warnings to His followers. If they persecuted our #Lord, they would do the same to His followers. Believing in the Lord and have that belief and #solidFaith which maintains, even stubbornly that #JesusChrist died for #Sins. He is the #Messiah, the #LordofLords, the #Almighty as stated in #Revelation chapter one. Globally today we see the Persecuted Faith of many believers in our Lord. They face death daily, #persecution continually, and are considered in many nations as unclean. The Apostle Paul told the Corinth church in first Corinthians and chapter four that "We are fools for Christ's sake." He then details what he and those with him faced.  Go more info.