Perilous Times Form of Godliness shall arrive in its fullness. Today, though, we live in a Perilous and hard to bear time. We live in a time of #consummateEvil, lusts, blindness, and far from the Truth of God wherein we should be aware of.  However, this evil or perilous time is found a people and among the nations of men when evil and #wickedness is ignored. It is also a time where everyone thinks they are #righteous and or at least must be understood. It is an #ageofdelusion, #sin, and #moralapathy. One wherein, even America's #backslidden state is hard to believe. A time of being aware of the many issues that riddle the younger generations who want you to understand their issues. A generation of #self-centered #pride. One who sees a Form of Godliness but does not know of the Perilous Times we live in. The Answer is in the Rejuvenating Hope found in Christ Jesus. 


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