Ominous Babylon arrives at Part 102 of Isaiah's Prophetic book. Here we are finishing with the situation concerning Assyria and the health of Hezekiah. Summing up the authority of the Lord overall Israel is seen here.  Also, his mighty hand among the nations of men and with Judah as well. On the heels of the events that has happened the arrival of a major power is ominous. For now, the King has no clue to what this really means. The Prophet Isaiah will enlighten Hezekiah to the future prophecy which is given here.

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Ominous Babylon is arriving soon. It is no coincidence that #Babylon shows up. They have heard of the destruction of #Assyria and the death of #Sennarcherib. #Hezekiah here is happy to see such a powerful visit from #Babylon. It does not occur to the #King here in the least that there is a reason for the visit. This sets up the coming chapters of Babylon and the eventual #judgment on Judah and the carrying away of almost all its people and wealth.  The lessons are not lost here. A lesson to Judah concerning the deliverance from Assyria. Finally, the lesson of Babylon will be one that will stick to Judah for the rest of her #existence and beyond. But all this is not lost to us today. #Ominous Babylon has many things to glean from this section.

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