No Other Gospel is point in fact for the true believers in Jesus, Yeshua, Christ our Lord. It is the contention and the war that goes on in the world today. It is the reason we look to prophecy and understand the hour in which we live. While the nations of the West imitate the eastern nations in force mandates and laws; it is bringing a new hour for the world today. With the veritable traditions, laws, and lifestyles being attacked globally, the dark one is now operating in full force. The war that has gone on for ages is now a no holds barred battle for supremacy. 


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No Other Gospel comes to the forefront this week. As the nations of men are stirred by their governments to take vaccinations for COVID, other issues rise. As you know the taste of coddled cream, so too this will make itself known. The governments have no trouble forcing their will on their own people. While the west has condemned #China for actions against its people, the west does the same thing. For #America this example is the Biden administration. However, the issue is because of this weakness in America's leadership we now see an open door. The #RiseofIslam and the concurrent #FalloftheWest. As this continues, those #Persecuted for their #Faith and the #LoveofGod towards their own neighbors; the cost of following #JesusChrist continues. The truth for #Believers at this hour is that there is #NoOtherGospel than the one of #Jesus, #Yeshua; #Christ our #Lord.

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