My Well-beloved Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt5 on Battle Lines| | WIBR/WARN


My Well-beloved and his vineyard on a fruitful hill brought forth wild grapes. The sour grapes of sin and rebellion came forth. But the sweet grapes,  the wholesome taste of fruitful righteousness came not forth. Thus, the Lord of the vineyard had done all to bring it forth in sweet righteousness. What could the Lord have done to bring for the good grapes. Therefore, in judgment the vineyard shall face, the hedge removed, and it shall be trodden down in judgment. The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant. But oppression came forth not righteousness. Thus, shall judgment bring forth a cry.


My Well-beloved - Isaiah is one of the most prophetic and metaphoric works in scripture today. Although, along time ago, we find out that in the nations of men and women; the evil that pulls us from the Lord God has not changed. While the covenant in Isaiah day was from the Sinai covenant and the Abrahamic covenant; there are many things that speak to us. We are in the days of the new covenant and the Spiritual Israel. A calling to Israel of old and a message to the gentiles to come to him; we can find all of it in this book. Behind it is Mercy, Salvation, and the Day of the Lord.