Modern Martyrs in today's world reflects what is going on #globally in a #Satanicwar against #Christianbelievers. To deny the truths about the world #waragainstChristians would be out and out betrayal. If we looked at just the #governmentsofmen that automatically outlaw #Christianity we find North Korea, China, and numerous others. While #Christians are found in every nation on earth, many are hiding their faith as they practice it in secret. Yet we find India, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, North Korea, Iran, Algeria, and others that have consistent and harsh #persecutionofbelievers in #JesusChrist, #Yeshua. Then we have the #obviousgroups and #individuals #globally that all kill, rape, and make #waragainstChristians. The most recognizable faces are Kim John Un and Xi Jinping among others.  Groups recognizable are Al-Shabab, the Fulani Militants, the Taliban, and others. #ModernMartyrs



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