Mine Elect are two words which reflect the purpose of the Lord. Here Isaiah again focuses on the end of captivity with the sure rescue from it. At the same time revealing the end of the captors and their power. Men and nations think themselves God. They believe they can make war, murder, capture, and even rule their people with no justice to bring them before a court. But there is a higher court, the one of the Lord God and he works among the nations. For Gods Elect, there will be justice. For Gods Elect, he will not forget. It is written in Heaven, emblazoned on the pages of Gods eternity which rings out justice and truth.

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Mine Elect reflect #Gods #identity to #Israel at that time. We look again as the #Prophet brings #Cyrus again into the #biblical workings of the #LordGod. For in these stanza's or strophe's we find the sure call of Cyrus for a sure purpose. It is for the #LordsElect, here referred to as #Israel #mine #elect. For #Jacob my servant's sake, this will not go away until it is complete. For the time of Jacobs captivity is over and the #sovereign Lord will bring them out, just as he brought Israel out from bondage in Egypt. While men, nations, and conquerors think they are in control, we know they are not. Everything is in the Hand of the #Lord, for he says "there is no #God beside me." #MineElect

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website/ http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com