Mine Elect meets the past sins and idolatry of Judah even as the seventy years of captivity are finally over, the justice of God never wains in its purpose. Isaiah writes in chapter sixty-five and verse six "I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom." The #sins of #idolatry and forsaking the God of their Fathers fills their past, and the future is assured by the Lord God, even as he says "I will bring forth a #seedoutofJacob, and out of #Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it -Isaiah Sixty-five, verse nine." Forgiveness and Restoration can be found throughout Isaiah's writings. For the rise of the #Messiah, #Yeshua is coming and in him shall be the #redemption for all people. As we come to the close of #Isaiah, the #JusticeofGod, the reward to all according to their #works, and the #GraceofGod bringing #forgiveness cannot be ignored here.  In the same chapter as we quote from above, the #sins and #iniquities of the #FathersofIsrael was not tolerated nor did they escape from their deeds done. #Justice is here, #restoration is here, and expectation is also here for all to see from #GodsWord. #MineElect



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