Land of Promise brings us to part eleven in Lord God Governor of the nations. The first ever divine creation of a land for a people was given to Abram when he obeyed the Lord and went out as he was told to do. But the very act of Abrahamic Faith also connects it to the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua. The Apostle Paul addresses this in his Epistle to the Galatians. Further he delineates that we [Gal 3:7]  which "are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham." The connection of Abraham to faith divinely relates to the Faith of Jesus Christ, Yeshua through the atonement on the cross which brings the permanency to the new covenant fulfilling the old. This is our redeeming hope.


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Land of Promise, the #cityofGod, an #inheritance for those who obeyed by #faith. #Abram who went out by faith, not knowing where he was going nor the destination. Just an initial direction, the rest was faith. The faith of #Abraham is so essential to both Jews and Gentiles that this link being made through #JesusChrist, #Yeshua being the fulfillment. We are not in our rest today, that time when we are with our God and that city whose builder and maker is our #God and Father and our #LordJesusChrist.  We look at this #LandofPromise in the context of the #inheritance, the waiting, and the time in Egypt.


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