Word of Prophecy brings the Lord God Governor of the Nations to part ten. We have journeyed over the many scriptures of the Day of the Lord. The path has taken us throughout God's word. This week we begin with Peter's "More Sure Word of Prophecy", see 2nd Peter 1:19. Our hope, our truths, and our own deliverance is based on power, truth, and holiness. God is in charge as the nations of men reject and follow their own courses. Yet amidst the days of men and nations, people find the truth of redemption and the Word of Prophecy is more alive today because of it.


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The Word of Prophecy are #truth and declares the #lightoftruth upon the dark hearts and minds in the worlds. No #prophecy is of private interpretation for as Peter points out it is a tool of the #Lord. For prophecy is not the #willofmen and nations, but of #God through #HisSpirit moves #holymen of God to speak. Further the coming of the #SonofGod was revealed by the #Prophets and carried on by his #Apostles. Today the #HolyGhost is moving in the hearts of the #SaintsofGod, as He is also convicting of Sin, comforting the #believers, and following the #willofGod; for he is God.  #WordofProphecy


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