#Lifestyle #Choices #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt221 Battle Lines


Lifestyle Choices brings us to the last chapter and the final words of the #ProphetIsaiah. Here we find the Lord addressing the humble that trembles at the #WordoftheLord. These met with condemnation, being also cast out of the #Temple. Herein, the Lord tells them that the "Lord will appear to your joy" and those who condemned you will "be ashamed." These words also reflect this last chapter of Isaiah, here being Sixty-six and the verses one through twenty-four. The beginning to the end of this chapter is summed up. As above we see the #Humblecomforted, the #ungodlycondemned, at the #Lordsappearance. All while #Jerusalem is made a #joyonearth. From the beginning of #Isaiah there was a difference between those who followed and #obeyed and those who did not. As Isaiah chapter three reminds us, this is the beginning of the book as you know. We find the Lord making the difference clear.   Isaiah was told to "Say ye to the #righteous, that it #shallbewell with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. #Woe unto the #wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the #rewardofhishands shall be given him"- Isa 3:10-11. #LifeStyleChoices



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