Last Days Seduction, Genocide, Profane works, and the hope of the gospel all collide in this episode of Persecution Advocacy for the global believers worldwide. The wickedness is always present and those who do evil persist, but the grace of God and His Spirit move throughout the kingdoms of men working through the Servants of Christ in the work of the gospel. Prepare yourselves through prayer, fasting, reading the Word of God, and keeping the Faith of Christ alive in your heart and family.  You will need this presence of the Lord Jesus Christ for these end times we live in.


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website


Last Days Seduction is here, and the #warning is clear. When they say to you "lo, here is #Christ; or, lo, he is there believe him not." See Mark chapter thirteen verses twenty-one thru twenty-six. #Signs, #wonders, and #seduction will arrive with the False Christ. Add on the #tribulation of #nations, the #perplexity of #governments of men; all of this will make for a troublesome time among nations and men.  We already are finding the #persecution of #Christians increasingly getting worse. The #war machines of nations are being developed more and more. Yet amidst all this the #gospel will go forth.  #LastDaysSeduction  #GospelGo2023


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