Keep Faith Stand Firm arrives on the scene with part 10 of Fighting God The Kingdom War. Here we continue in Luke 12 and today find how the name of Jesus Christ our Lord is devisive. In many nations today we find more animosity and out right hatred for Christians, the Gospel, and Churches. In America with the ongoing riots and leftist protagonists on the streets; it is not just our nation but any faith as a Christian believer also tags you an enemy. This episode deals with our faith and living amidst the division and the peril we face daily worldwide as Christians.


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Keep Faith Stand Firm is a  message to all believers in Jesus [Yeshua] Christ. The kingdom of Heaven is opposite of mans thinking and the worlds. To save your life you must lose it. The division that many believers will face are within their own family. The division according to the Lord in Luke 12 is a sigh. He said "suppose you that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you Nay; but rather division." The issue of peace for believers is we can find peace, love, joy, and other fruits of the Spirit within us when we are born again by the Spirit of God. Yet in the world facing tribulation we move in faith and assurance our Lord will never leave us or forsake us. Thus amidst the storm, keep faith and stand firm.



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