Israeli Yeshua, Iranian War on Christians, Martyrs for Jesus, The Faith and Testimony of Jesus Christ, more Gospel News from WIBR/WARN Radio |

Indeed I have been put to the test, the test of faith which is, according to the Scriptures “more precious than perishable gold.” But I have never felt loneliness, I was all the time aware of the fact that it wasn’t a solitary battle, for I have felt all the energy and support of those who obeyed their conscience and fought for the promotion of the justice and the rights of all human beings. -Youcef Nadarkhani; 8th September 2012 and now imprisoned again in Iran for Ten years for his faith.
It takes faith, guts don't just cut it. Today we face a world of nations that take issue with the gospel. In this avenue the United States continues to do business with many of them such as China. The fact is, the Lord is moving in the nations and many are coming to him. However the cost is real, the Martrys for Jesus are real, the persecution of the Saints is real, and those who live for Jesus Christ must also bear his faith and his testimony to a lost and dying world. In so doing, many will pay with their lives. But even in this loss of human life; they will be saved and give a new body to live in. Not a hair on their head will perish; as the Lord said.