Hezekiah and Sennacherib set the situation for the next few Chapters. We have followed the prophecies given by Isaiah. The prophet now focuses on the real events. It is a detailed view of what happened between Assyrian and Judah. Isaiah Chapters 36 through 39 gives the context of this event. It is also a major lesson, not to just the Assyrian's but to their King. What looked like an easy prize turned out to be a disaster for them, leaving Judah also with a major lesson as well. 

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Hezekiah and Sennacherib meet in fulfillment of Isaiah's Prophetic words given regarding #Judah and #Assyria invasion. #Isaiah gave the #Prophecies and to both men, we see fulfillment. In addition, Judah is up against one of the most formidable powers of her day, which is Assyria. It is not by chance that #Hezekiah and #Sennacherib meet at the gates of #Jerusalem. It was a real threat to all nations around Judah and the #Assyrian war and pillage machine was one of best there is at destruction in the aftermath of an invasion. There is one tiny problem that makes for a huge situation for Sennacherib and his Army. The #Lord #God would defend Judah this day. The result is a lesson to Judah and its citizens. There would be only one Hope for the #Davidic city of #Jerusalem. It would not be a treaty with their enemy. Nor could those in Judah bribe the army to stop. Since they already had paid them, they were invaded anyway.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com