Great Mercies brings us to part One hundred and seventy in Isaiah's Prophetic Book. If there were any doubts as to if Judah would be delivered from judgment and captivity, there are none now. The Lord especially makes sure the Prophet uses six different names of God with a special relationship connected to Judah. This occurs within the scriptures of chapter fifty-four and verses four through seven. To be sure God is not mocked and those who refused to repent found the wrath and with-it death. But here in judgment, the people found mercy and blessing. A sure lesson to the world of nations, especially America today which has a problem of Sin and Pride. Don't count the Lord short and don't test his resolve.

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Great Mercies will be given to #Judah as the #Lord brings them back from captivity in Babylon. This whole section brings forth the #judgment of #God, the #sins of the people, and the punishment for those sins. But the truth here is the Judgment of God brought #Mercy with it, #forgiveness, #restoration, and put her enemies to rest and silence. The Balm of the #Lord’s #restoration means she is no longer alone or a widow. The Lord forsook her but for a moment scripture says, but it also says with "great mercies" he would gather #Judah back into the land. In this section the names used of the Lord are: "thy maker, thine husband, LORD of Hosts, Holy One of Israel, God of the whole earth, thy God"! It is clear, Judah is being given mercy along with restoration and forgiveness.

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