Grace Rejuvenating Hope in Christ Pt1 is placed before us as the world is in #turmoil in many places. Among those affected we find #America which has been divided for many years. This divide has widened under Biden and continues to grow. Violence, bloodshed, murder, thefts, immorality, debauchery, and much more are the rules of the day. There is hope and we also have many #churches today beginning to awaken to the new challenges of Faith. #Revival has broken out in various places with the increase in trouble which brings people to a point to wake up. Yet this is not enough. What do we do when things begin to become undone? How do we ride out the #storm as it worsens. This new series is about faith and how we go forth in perilous times. We need the faith of the #LionofJudah and the #endurance of the #Lord when he went to the #cross. Join us for this new series Grace Rejuvenating #HopeinChrist. #Grace #Rejuvenating #Hope

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