Gospel Solution Today, Israel War, Finland Pastors, Intolerance on Campus, Corrupt Religious Christianity, America, Iraqi Christians, Pakistan persecution, China, South Korean, Nigeria Boko Haram, Mexico Horror, more from Warn Radio | Warn-Usa.com

Gospel Solution Today -This is The WIBR/WARN Radio endtime report this week. We look at the potential Israeli War coming and the current troubles facing Israel. In Finland we find a Pastors wife in hot water for biblical foundations upon which she is standing. The intolerance on many college campuses is evident and today we see one example. Further we look at Iraq, Pakistan, China, Nigeria, Boko Haram, and Mexico in turmoil.  All this as we have time.

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Gospel Solution Today is the answer to the worlds woes. Yet in many nations like China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, and in many Muslim nations we find governments who fear Christianity. We find other Religions fearing Christians. They fear the message and the Gospel truth, yet that truth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel is going forth. It is freeing millions of individuals who were bound in tradition and religiousity. Today we look at the world in focus and threats to the Persecuted Church.